Morse Code Trainer

Practise copying and sending Morse code using a scheme of sessions developed by Rob Brownstein of CWops. The software is written by Stephen C Phillips. Please see the other Morse Code pages on Stephen's website.

Call Sign

For some of the sessions some additional information is needed. This information is not transmitted to nor stored on the server.


Choose your session and then practise the copying and sending segments.

Session /

Play each of these segments again and again until you feel you recognise the sound pattern.

Text to copy

Segment / Play Stop

Play a segment, then try to imitate it, exactly, using your key or keyer. Repeat it as many times as it takes to feel that you’ve got the correct word pattern.

Text to send

Segment / Play Stop

If you need to practise any other sequences then enter them below. If you want to use prosigns then enclose them with angle-brackets (e.g. "<bk>") and tick the box in the sound controls.

Sound Controls

If you find this software useful, please make a small donation to the author.

Thank you!


This translator requires JavaScript to be enabled. It is known to work well in the Firefox and Chrome web browsers (which implement versions of the HTML 5 audio APIs). It works, with some sound artefacts, in recent versions of Internet Explorer (where it has to use Flash).

This software makes use of XAudioJS, Foundation and jQuery. The software is © Copyright Stephen C Phillips, 2013-2015.